Technology development status
Project Name/Implementing Department Project Title Technology development period Division
Startup growth-health diagnosis linkage
(Small and medium-sized enterprise technology development project)
/Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Development of self-diagnosis and safety devices for starting motors and batteries for construction machinery 2014.07.15~2015.07.15 Organizer
Industry-academia-research cooperation technology development project (general leap)
/Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Development of an integrated PID temperature/pressure controller for engine coolant control valve 2015.09.01~2016.08.31 Participation
Startup growth-technology development project
/Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Development of a modular control system with integrated digital AVR and speed controller functions for 50KW CRDI diesel generators 2017.10.30~2018.10.29 Organizer
R&D linked to safety technology commercialization
/Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
Development of an IoT-based disaster risk prediction system 2020.08.01~2021.07.31 Participation
Export support-based utilization project
/Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Export voucher business 2023.04.01~2024.02.29 Organizer
Industrial technology innovation project
/Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
For automation of polishing of car body press molds
Development of deep learning-based autonomous mobile system
2023.04.01~2026.12.31 Organizer